This is a complete kit with tips to run your School Talent Show.
Here is what you get in the Talent Show kit which is in Microsoft Word and is easily editable to adjust to your school event:
1. Talent Show Audition Rubric
2. Talent Show Pamphlet
3. Talent Show Permission Slip
4. Talent Show Poster: Announcing Event
5. Talent Show Teacher/Sponsor guide
6. Talent Show Poster: Advertising Auditions
7. Master of Ceremonies Script to run the event
8. Talent Show Tickets
Have students write winter poems and put the poems into QR codes. Then take the QR codes and paste them on the snowflake templates. This lesson is a great way to easily build out an interactive bulletin board! This lessons comes with a rubric, a sample poem, the snowflake template, and a link to a video about how to make QR codes.
This lesson comes with a worksheet to Interview a veteran and a set of dog tags where students can write their reflection about the veteran interview. Great activity to honor our veterans and get to know a little more about what they do. Put the dog tags up on the bulletin board with a "We Support Our Troops Banner!"
This packet has a variety of different lessons on Thanksgiving form a word find, writing acrostic poems, and a crossword puzzle on Thanksgiving. Ten pages total.
Have fun teaching about Thanksgiving by playing a game! Students will learn a little about the Pilgrims, Native Americans, and fun turkey facts. Make Thanksgiving fun to learn in a Jeopardy type trivia game!
Here is a fun activity for St. Patrick's Day:
The Challenge
A Leprechaun has gotten loose and is stealing all the shiny things he can get his hands on. His favorite thing though is gold! He has been seen in the neighborhood stealing jewelry and gold rings and even snuck into the school last night looking for the principals gold watch!
Here’s the challenge: Design and build a Leprechaun trap that can catch a 3-inch Leprechaun. Remember the bait to lure the Leprechauns into your trap. Leprechauns are smart, but will do almost anything for gold and shiny things!
Your task is to design, build and test your trap to catch the Leprechaun!
Here is what is in the packet:
1. An instruction sheet of how to build a Leprechaun trap.
2. 2 prototype worksheets
3. A results and reflection worksheet.
4. Leprechaun Disguise worksheet
This Jeopardy style game covers the 10 different IB character learning traits. It is a great tool to help students review the different learning styles of IB.
There are 14 different exit tickets that can be used with almost any lesson to have a successful ending to your class. All exit tickets are in Microsoft Word so that they can be easily edited if needed. End your lesson with style using these exit tickets.